
Getting Ready for Columbia Business School, Running, et cetera

Monday, June 26, 2006

List o' Tasks

For the past two months I have been trying to keep myself busy making task lists for school, and then knocking things off. This is the only way I can keep myself from having carefree days, and nerve-wracking nights as I stare at the ceiling remembering all of the things that I have to do.

So I have
* Earned platinum traveler status on the nyc-dc chinatown bus
* Taken care of my loans: Access Group, floating
* Signed the lease for a nyc apartment
* Found a roommate
* Found a subletter for the first couple weeks, before my roommate moves in
* Set up gas, electric, and internet
* reserved a moving truck
* started to get worried about moving all my crap
* gotten serious about running, in spite of the humidity
* taken care of vaccinations (thank you undergrad health office) and other to-do list items
* bought some clothes, because now I actually want to make a decent impression

The rest of the time I've been trying to enjoy the summer, DC, and being with my friends. Work is about 8th on my list of priorities. And staying motivated is a major struggle. Bizarrely, I haven't wanted to take an exotic vacation, but I don't really want to work either. I just want to get started with school. Well, two more months will be gone soon.